Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Toilet Paper Holder Tutorial

 I found this idea on Pinterest but the pin led to an etsy shop that was selling them for $45!!! which I personally think is outrageous to pay for such an item. It took me a while but I figured out how to make my own.

The picture actually doesn't do it justice. Its cream colored with a small pattern. It's easy to make and doesn't take very long. Enjoy!

Step 1: Cut Out Fabric

2 - 33.5" x 6" pieces
4 - 1 1/4" x 8.5" pieces    (you may want to make this longer, depending on how you want it to tie)

Step 2: Sewing the Holder

 Take both 33.5" x 6" pieces and put them, right sides together. Pin along the long sides.

                                        Sew down the pinned long sides with a 1/4" seam.

                        Turn it inside out so the right sides are on the outside and iron flat.
                                               (this hides your edges on the inside.)

Fold it in half and pin along the top. Measure 7.5" and 8" from the bottom, mark across and sew. You should end up with two sew lines. This picture may not show it well.

                          At the top, fold in both edges by 1/2" as shown in the picture and re-pin.

Step 3: Sewing the Ties
 Take one tie and fold it in half from the right, then fold it in half from the left. Pin all the way down.

Sew down on the left and right side, keeping close to the edge. Repeat with other ties.

Next pin the straps in place by placing the ties in between the two main pieces at the top and sew along the edge with about 1/8" seam.

 I also sewed across the tips of the ties to keep it from fraying. Not sure if it's actually necessary but it's but to you.

                                                                    Tadaa! All done!

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