This idea from is called "let's go on a date." This is her description:
"This basket holds 12 envelopes. Each labeled with a month of the
year. And each envelope contains a pre-planned, (mostly) pre-paid date
just for us. Some of the dates will take place at home, some are
planned for the local area, and some will take us into town. All 12
dates are different. Several, actually nearly all of the dates are things we have never done before.
The plan is to open the envelope together at the beginning of the
month, look at the calendar and decide on a date. So right from the
beginning of the month, we'll have a fun date on the calendar to look forward to."
I thought this was a great idea if you could afford to pre-pay for an entire year's worth (1 each month) of dates. Click on the following link to view her full blog and examples.
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